Help For Workers Hurt On Chemical Tankers And Tank Ships

At the Crew Law Firm, we help employees on chemical tankers, oil tankers, LNG carriers and other tank ships pursue compensation for workplace injuries. We are dedicated to seeing that you obtain all available compensation under applicable maritime laws.

This Is Not Just Any Workplace Injury Claim

There are many lawyers handling injury cases like yours. Look closely at their records. Have they handled offshore accident cases before? Do they have a record of success in those claims? Have they ever set foot on a ship? Do these other lawyers know the importance of PPE in a void space, or appropriate benzene exposure monitoring methods for workers on gas tankers?  We do. We understand the effects of exposure to toxic chemicals, and how they may over long periods cause you to become ill, or suffer from diseases including Leukemia or other cancers, heart and lung disease.  We understand how to navigate through the barriers the companies will put up when you are ill or injured and how to get you compensation.

This is important, because offshore and land-based on-the-job injury claims are not interchangeable. The circumstances are different and so are the laws that are called into play. You want to work with a lawyer who understands your case, and you will find one at our law firm in League City.

You can tell us about your case without having to explain every aspect of your job. We know the dangers that are inherent in container ship work, so when you tell us what went wrong, we will not have to struggle to comprehend it. Furthermore, we will be able to communicate the issues effectively in the courtroom if your case needs to go to trial. We know the maritime laws, such as the Jones Act, that will play a role in your case.  But what’s more, we know the requirements for shipowners and what they must do to protect you—and more importantly how they often fail.   We have the knowledge needed to build a strong claim and seek out the full compensation you require.

Free Consultation For Injured Tank Ship Workers

Call 866-574-5425 or contact us by email to schedule a free consultation with an attorney at our law firm. Our services are available to injured tank ship workers in Galveston County, throughout Texas and nationwide. Find out how we can help.

If you would like to contact me about a potential case I may be able to assist you with, please leave your information below.


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Office Location

303 East Main Street, Suite 260
League City, Texas 77573